West Valley Christian School seeks to showcase our balanced and dynamic educational programs. Read about how we achieve: Academic Excellence, Creative Expression, Athletic Distinction, Servant Leadership, Spiritual Development and Technology Advancement for all our students.

Academic Excellence

The purpose of a Christian education is to not only teach them about God, but about God’s creation and what mankind has produced and revealed about Him through literature, mathematics, science, and history. Our aim is to develop students: who seek to be independent learners, critical thinkers, who write and speak effectively. We want to instill a balanced and dynamic education so that students can discover their gifts and seek to work hard to hone their skills and take the most rigorous course loads and aspire to gain acceptance into 4 year colleges and universities.

elementary students holding art projects

Creative Expression

At WVCS, we recognize that school and books aren’t everything. In fact, time and again it has been shown that music and the arts aid in learning and improve students’ capacity to process new information. They provide an outlet for children’s and teens’ imagination, allows them to foster creative ideas, and trains them to be skilled in articulating those ideas. Art provides the basis for understanding media, advertising, or the latest hit single; it is a part of the human experience and one of the glories of civilization. Our aim is to develop students to discover and foster their God-given gifts, develop an appreciation for the fine arts, learn an effective use of multimedia communication and learn a creative approach to problem-solving.

Little Mermaid Jr. Cast A Little Mermarid Jr. Cast B 

Fall-Inspired Chalk Pastel Creations

Jesus' empty tomb painting

Zentangle Easter Lanscape

Learning the Beat

Theater Arts: Collaboration & Teamwork

Speech Techniques for Success


Athletic Distinction

Here at WVCS, we love our sports and are very proud of our athletes and teams. We feel that providing a physical outlet for our students allows them to build self-discipline and a deep sense of pursuing excellence. Games provide an opportunity for young men and women to meet and interact with students from other schools, walks of life, and faiths. They allow students to extend graciousness to others and exercise fairness in play. Even in physical education classes, students learn how to take care of their bodies, stay active, and learn new sports, so that they can be healthy throughout the rest of their lives. Our aim is to develop students: who are healthy students, have Christ-like sportsmanship and will join an athletic team and grow physically and socially.

Servant Leadership

One of our goals as a school is to not only produce students who will excel in college, but ones who will excel in life and be strong leaders in their churches and communities. In order to facilitate that, we try to give WVCS students as much opportunity as possible to build and practice their leadership skills. Since those who excel in matters of knowledge tend to be elevated into leadership, they must be equipped to be gracious and have a serving attitude. If Jesus was humble enough to serve His own students, our students can learn to serve each other and people in the world around them. Our aim is to develop students: who continue with service and volunteerism as adults; initiate and develop service projects; who contribute to their church, community, country, and world; and who will disciple one another.

Technology Advancement

Our technology department will play a vital role in keeping the school on the cutting edge of the integration of technology and education. Disadvantages include the cost of technology, the need for comprehensive training for teachers, students, and parents, and the fear of the unknown and/or the corruption of technology. We are responding by becoming very informed about the best practices for 1-1 schools, and anticipating fears so that we can respond and train accordingly. Our aim is to develop students: who can have their academic questions answered anywhere and anytime;who can be more creative; can have deeper learning and understanding results; and who can enhance peer interaction and group collaboration.

Spiritual Development

We believe students should demonstrate their faith in active ways as they desire to serve others, honor their parents and please their teachers. We purposely teach students to use their gifts for God’s glory and to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, and soul. As teachers explain the Bible and help students to see life through the lense of scripture, students will embrace a Christian worldview. Children must be given simple truths, with an understanding of how they can grow in their personal relationship with the Lord, otherwise their faith is not going to last a lifetime!