At West Valley Christian Preschool it is our mission to provide excellence in education to our students and to inspire each one of them to seek Christ and His Kingdom. Because we see the importance of teaching the “whole child”, we have partnered with Kaplan Early Learning Company to create a fun, engaging program consisting of 7 Discovery Zones in the classrooms. We are also in the process of creating a Discovery Zone area where classrooms will be able to explore each of these zones.

Detailed Description of The Discovery Zone


Children will learn and apply concepts in science (observing, exploring, figuring out how things work, making connections) technology (using tools, trying different solutions, problem solving), engineering (using tools, designing, building, creating solutions), and math (counting, numbers, comparing, measuring, sequencing, patterning, shapes).


Creative Expression:


Active Play:

Discovery Play:



Bringing it all together:

Each of these Discovery Zones will provide opportunities to incorporate our great big loving God. He is already there. Through Stem we see the intrinsic way that God has made things. Through Language/Literacy we will explore God’s word to us. Through Creative Expression we see that God is the ultimate artist. Through Sensory play we explore the senses God gave us to enjoy His world. Through Active play we appreciate how we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Through Discovery play we learn to have an understanding and love for others the way that God does. Through Social/Emotional Development we learn that God loves us no matter what we may be feeling or going through.