
Our Elevate Science curriculum follows the California Next Generation Science Standards for students in grade seven, supplemented by additional information to help students develop a biblical worldview of life science. Units of study will include the human body system, along with the cell system and processes. Additionally, there will be a focus on genes and heredity, natural selection, and our ecosystems.



Dissection lab

Mixture separation


In History, students will explore world history and how geography has influenced people in different parts of the world.  Using reading, research, discussion, and participation in individual and group projects, students will encounter geography and cultures from around the world.  As students study cultures from the fall of the Roman Empire to the European exploration of the Americans, Christian principles are continually integrated.  Students use critical thinking and communication skills to analyze failure and achievements within empires.  Students also compare and contrast values within other cultures. 

Christian Distinctions 7th Grade History: European Exploration

middle ages


Our 7th grade Math Curriculum follows the follows the Mc Graw Hill Reveal Math series. We currently offer two Math courses, the first being Pre-Algebra Accelerated. This course is a  faster-paced course designed to solidify all foundational mathematical skills and concepts of Pre-Algebra over the span of one school year, so that students are prepared to successfully advance into Algebra 1 in 8th Grade. Students that successfully complete this course with a B or higher may be eligible to take Algebra 1 in 8th Grade. Students that need additional support and time to solidify Pre-Algebra concepts will take Pre-Algebra Level 2 in 8th Grade.

Our second course is Pre-Algebra levels 1 & 2, which is a course designed to move at a pace to solidify foundational mathematical skills necessary for success in Algebra 1 over the span of two school years. During this timeframe, students are expected to develop speed and accuracy in solving problems involving multi-step equations and inequalities with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, integers, exponents, and radicals. Students will also expand their knowledge by further developing their understanding of geometry, statistical data analysis, and the coordinate plane while applying that knowledge into real-world applications.

Christian Distinctions Math: Area & Volume


paper football ratios

advanced pre-algebra

Happy Pi Day!


Our curriculum offers a broad array of works representing many genres, authors, and time periods. Selections model great writing for students and prompt them to think on issues and topics relevant to their lives. Lessons use the Reading Process Approach to scaffold student comprehension and apply close reading to each selection. Engaging artwork captivates readers while Big Questions encourage them to connect personally with each selection.

Christian Distinctions Society & Justice

Legacy Project


Fasten your seatbelts - Route 66 will take you on a two-year journey through the entire Bible from the dawn of time to the final revelation of God's glory! By the end of the book, you will have an appreciation for the broad arc of Scripture along with an introductory understanding of each book in context. Throughout the course, you will also see how God uses imperfect men and women to reflect His majesty to the world. The course is both factual and personal. Our objectives are that you would be able to understand the primary themes of Scripture, identify and locate key biblical events and figures, note doctrines and passages for further study in context, apply basic godly principles to thought, speech, and action, and respond personally to the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Our prayer for you is that you would know God, trust in His love, and be unified together in Him (John 17:20-26).

Read More 7th & 8th Grade Boys Bible: Leadership